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Thought for the Week

Every week, our former assistant minister, Peter Milsom, writes an article which relates the teaching of the Bible to daily life and current events. These weekly articles are brought to you from the Thought for the Week website. You can read more about the ministry here.

We invite you to read the articles each week and pray that they will enable you to find real help and encouragement in God’s Word and especially in his Son, Jesus Christ. The articles are also published every week in newspapers throughout the UK.

  • Andy Murray’s farewell at Wimbledon was a highly emotional moment. His very successful career has brought great joy to him and his family, to the town of Dunblane and to the nation. He brought the long wait for another British men’s champion to an end when he defeated Novak Djokovic in 2013. The two men […]
  • The weather is a frequent subject of conversation in Britain. This year there have been many complaints that we haven’t yet had a real summer. Yesterday we had a beautiful, warm, peaceful evening with a cloudless blue sky. This morning it is overcast and colder with light rain. At school holidays time families hope for […]
  • Many people own a copy of the Bible but find it difficult to read. One reason is that the Bible is a very big book and it’s not easy to know where to start reading. The Bible is divided into two parts – the Old Testament and the New Testament. God speaks to us through […]
  • Tamayo Perry died tragically on Sunday 23 June after being attacked by a shark off the island of Oahu in Hawaii. He was 49 years old. Tamayo was a Hawaii native and had been a lifeguard with Honolulu Ocean Safety since 2016, where surfers sometimes need saving when they get in trouble with the 20-foot […]
  • We live at a very sad time in the history of our world. Many people desperately struggle to find hope for their future. People in Ukraine face constant missile and drone attacks from the Russian forces which destroy their communities taking many lives and causing life changing injuries. During 2024 it is estimated that 900 […]
  • Elon Musk is a very successful businessman. He is the richest man in the world with an estimated fortune of more than £200bn. His businesses include Tesla, Space X, X (formerly Twitter), Starlink, Neuralink and, his latest AI project. His achievements are impressive. Tesla opened up the US market for electric vehicles, SpaceX has […]
  • Lord Richard Dannatt is a distinguished British Army leader. He was Chief of the General Staff, head of the British Army, from 2006 to 2009. Sir Richard says that death is not the end of life and soldiers need to be better prepared for war and spiritually prepared for death. He believes faith in God […]
  • On 6 June 1944, 80 years ago, the largest seaborne invasion in history occurred in the Normandy landings. By the end of D-Day 156,000 British, American and Canadian troops had landed on the beaches of Normandy. By 4 July, that figure had reached one million. This operation began the liberation of France, and the rest […]
  • On the 6 June people in Britain and other nations will commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day. But there would have been no D-Day without God’s gracious overruling in the amazing deliverance at the time of the Dunkirk evacuation four years earlier. Across the Channel 350,000 Allied troops were trapped by the advancing German army […]
  • Oleksandr Usyk from Ukraine is now the undisputed World Heavyweight Boxing Champion after defeating Tyson Fury in a ferocious championship fight in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Both men were exhausted after the fight for which they were paid very large prize money, making it one of the richest boxing fights ever. Both men were undefeated before […]
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